The Chest Imaging Platform (CIP) offers both a software library and a clinical-oriented tool that can enable the development and translation of known and novel quantitative phenotypes in lung diseases, including COPD, ILD and ALI.
The Chest Imaging Platform is the evolution of the Airway Inspector program funded under the NIH award R01HL116931

Workstation (Slicer CIP)

Extension to the Slicer that integrates:

  • CIP functionality as a Toolkit exposing of the CLIs.
  • Slicer specific modules to provide user-friendly chest CT quantitative solutions.
  • Visualization of scale-space particles and labelmaps
  • Integrated workflows to end-to-end clinical evaluation.

Library (CIP)

CIP offers a Common library to perform:
  • Lung and lobe automatic segmentation.
  • Airway detection, sizing and labeling.
CIP also contains a python-based library for:
  • Scale-space particles for vasculature, airway and fissure extraction
  • Computation of phenotypes for emphysema, chronic bronchitis and vasculature assessment.
  • Workflows for batch analysis based on Nipype workflows.



Download and Install

Learn how to download and install step by step the CIP tools: