

Slicer is built in a very modular basis with the aim of easing the addition of new functionalities developed by the community. The SlicerCIP extension of Slicer is compound of four main blocks:

  • MRML Nodes: We have created a collection of customized MRML (Medical Reality Modeling Languaje) nodes to describe some of the objects that are represented in the modules.
  • Toolkit: (CLIs): We have developed a series of CLIs that encapsulates pipelines with advanced imaging functionalities. They can help both developers and clinicians to extract and analyze different lung phenotypes, and are mainly based on VTK, ITK and Teem libraries. All CLIs in the CIP library can be accesed under the Toolkit menu. 
  • Modules: Visual tools that can be used from within Slicer and with a Graphical User Interface integrated on it. All the modules can be accesed through the menu in Chest Imaging Platform/Modules. 
  • Clinical Workflows: The clinical workflows layer is currently under development.